Advent is about the preparation, anticipation, and expectation of something that is coming. Every Advent season, Christians look forward to celebrating the day when love was born – the day our Savior, Christ the Lord, was born in Bethlehem.
We can’t exactly say what people did in expectation of Christ’s first coming, but we know stories of the angels and shepherds, we love to hear of Mary and Joseph, we remember the journey of the wise men to worship the new King. These are stories connected to our memories and celebrations of Christmas, so why then do we need to prepare?
Christmas this year will be different, new rhythms, new traditions, new experiences. But isn’t that what Christmas is all about new life? It is important for us to find ways to stay connected this Advent Season. So, we invite you to take a moment each day and breathe, read, pray, light the candles around your wreath, and experience how God is speaking to you this Advent.
If you would like to receive an email with the devotion each day of advent sign up here as we wait together for the coming of Christ.
We hope as you listen you will hear the whisper of God in your soul as you ponder the God who gave up heaven to live with us. Our prayer is that these devotions help you to be not afraid this Advent Season, for God is with us.