We recognize that diversity is a gift from God. Through humility, gentleness, and patience, we strive to accept each other with love and nurture the biblical unity of the Spirit that ties us together. While we may differ in race, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, marital status, physical or mental ability, family configuration, political affiliation, economic circumstance, or theological perspective, in and through Christ we are one. Therefore, we welcome all into full church membership, with all of its rights and privileges, including baptism, communion, marriage, and leadership.

Since 1874, First Christian Church has joyfully welcomed all people to worship, serve, and grow in their relationships with God and one another. In 1981, the congregation moved from downtown Birmingham to our current campus on Valleydale Road in the North Shelby County suburbs. First Christian Church is a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and dedicated to being a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.

Some churches want something from you; we are more concerned with what God wants for you: a worshiping community, holy friendships, dynamic spirituality, a sacred purpose, joyful generosity, and a faith worth sharing.



  • Grace - we proclaim God’s unconditional love.

  • Acceptance - we affirm the inherent value of every person.

  • Commitment - our actions demonstrate our faithfulness to God and one another.



  • As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.

  • We believe that scripture is vital to faith formation and recognize that each person has the freedom - and the responsibility - to study God’s Word within the community of the church. We take the Bible too seriously to take it literally.

  • We practice the baptism of believers, while also recognizing baptisms performed in other churches, and believe that through their baptism all Christians are called to use their gifts in love and service.

  • We hear a special calling to make visible the unity of all Christians, proclaiming that in our diversity we belong to one another because we commonly belong to Christ.