We dream, envision, and set things in motion for those who succeed us. The legacy of our decisions will be known to generations we will not meet, and we are called to partner in faith with those who have gone before us offering the best that we have to give to those who will follow.

Legacy Partners at FCC Birmingham is made up of individuals who intend to make an end of life gift in support of FCC Birmingham’s mission and ministry.

Bequests in a will, charitable gift annuities, trusts, insurance, and gifts of appreciated stock are all planned gifts, gifts that come after much thought and consultation with professional advisors. These gifts will ensure that our faithfulness will impact those who come after us building faith for generations to come.

We encourage you to prayerfully consider becoming a Legacy Partner. Those who wish to become a part of this growing ministry to fund the future, please contact the church office.



John & Kim Barth
Robin & Stan Blakemore
Katrine & Jim Brooks
Deb Carpenter
Libby & Mack Carpenter
Lynn Eastman
Larry & Rosemary Grill
Julie & Hugh Henderson
Ann & Jim Langley
Roe & Toni Vaughn