The building Reopening Team has met and made the following updates to our Covid-19 policy:
Masks are recommended but optional for all persons who have been fully vaccinated. Those who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 should continue to wear masks while in the building.
We will not ask worshippers about their vaccination status. We trust that those who are not vaccinated will adhere to the CDC guidelines to protect themselves and their neighbors.
Masks will be required while in public spaces in the church building during TAN preschool hours to protect our teachers and students.
Groups who meet during TAN hours may remove masks once in their meeting space.
Our nursery staff and all children’s ministry volunteers will continue to wear masks at all times when working with children.
If you are experiencing any respiratory symptoms, please utilize the online worship option until symptoms are resolved. Online worship services will stream on Facebook and YouTube at 10AM on Sundays, and on demand afterwards.
We will continue to evaluate our Covid-19 policies and make any updates available to the congregation in the Midweek Update and on the church website.
The FCC Covid Reopening Team
Bruce MacKenzie
Jay Welborn
Suanne Ferguson
Robin Blakemore
Beth Thomason
These policies will continue to be evaluated and any changes shared with the congregation in the Midweek Update and on the church website.
Online worship will be available through Facebook Live and Youtube on Sundays at 10:15 AM.
Please see the links below to help us keep in touch: